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What Type of Incentives Can I Offer?
What Type of Incentives Can I Offer?

Boost your video conversions by offering incentives

Patrick Tedjamulia avatar
Written by Patrick Tedjamulia
Updated over a week ago

Incentives are not necessary for VideoPeel Campaigns but many businesses want to offer an incentive. Some examples of common incentives are:

  • Access to additional access/benefits from the product

  • Discounts for future purchases

  • Free products

  • Early access

  • Reward points 

You can add an incentive to your VideoPeel Campaign landing page as part of your message.  But be we recommend that you follow FTC guidelines so you are properly making any disclosures necessary. The FTC has put out two very helpful videos that lay out additional details around advertising and marketing guidelines for endorsements:

1) FTC Video for Businesses
2) FTC Video for video creators

From both of these videos, it's clear that:

1) If a business has a material relationship (ex: incentive) with the person that submitted a video testimonial or video review, whenever the business publishes or shares the video, the business should disclose the relationship

2) If a video creator submits a video to a business which contains claims that the business cannot prove to be true, the business should not utilize that claim, or disclose the results people should generally expect

VideoPeel gives businesses the opportunity to review each video submission, download, and edit the videos as needed before they are shared or published. The business decides on how video submissions are shared or published. This way, the business has more control over what is published about their brand.

VideoPeel also makes its video editing feature available for businesses in order to easily add disclaimers right on the video, which can then show across any of the VideoPeel Video Players including the Video Community, Video Carousel Player, and Video Picture in Picture Player.

The VideoPeel Video Carousel Player and the Video Community was designed to easily enable businesses to disclose any material relationship they have with a content creator. Or add any additional disclaimers. See examples below for the VideoPeel Video Carousel Player and the VideoPeel Video Community:

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